상품 상세 정보
상품명 2010-11 파니니 토탈리 서티파이드 농구 하비 박스
제조사 Panini
원산지 미국
판매가 192,000원
적립금 1,920원 (1%)
이미지로 저장코드URL 복사트위터로 보내기
설명 2010-11 Panini Totally Certified
상품 옵션

Configuration: 5 cards per pack, 6 packs per box


Panini Totally Certified Basketball offers collectors five serial #'d Parallels to chase, including short-printed Totally Gold (#'d/25), Totally Green (#'d/5) and Totally Black(#d/1)

- 6 Autographs or Memorabilia Cards (at least 2 Autographs #'d/599 or less)
- 2 Mirror Reds (#'d/499)
- 4 Other Inserts (#'d/499 or less)

Each case includes one or more of the following:
an Autograph from Kevin Durant, Kobe Bryant, Blake Griffin or John Wall, a 1-of-1 card or an Autograph #'d to 5 or less

- 185-card base set includes 150 Commons and 35 Rookies (#'d/599)
- All Rookies feature on-card autographs
- Look for Totally Red Autographs (#'d/99), Totally Gold Autographs (#'d/25), Totally Green Autographs (#'d/5) and Totally Black Autographs (#'d/1)
- Find Totally Certified Fabric of the Game Jumbo Jersey Prime oversized swatch cards (#'d/25) and Totally Certified Fabric of the Game Jumbo Team Prime cards (#'d/25)
- Also look for these Memorabilia Cards: Totally Red, Totally Blue, Totally Gold (#'d/25), Totally Green (#'d/5) and Totally Black (#'d/1)
- More than 525 1-of-1 cards
- Find Panini HRX Video Trading Cards!

Introducing Panini HRX, the industry's first video trading card!
More than 200 Panini HRX video cards will be available via redemption in packs of 2010-11 Totally Certified BK!

- 50 Kobe Bryant cards (10 Autographed!)
- 50 Blake Griffin cards (10 Autographed!)
- 50 Kevin Durant cards (10 Autographed!)
- 50 John Wall cards (10 Autographed!)

Also find 1-of-1 Gold Autographed HRX cards - one for each of the four Panini Exclusive Players! (Redemption is Expired)